Experience the benefits of our Essiac, For less than 9 dollars a day, you can enjoy its advantages. Plus a breeze to prepare - just 10 minutes every two weeks.
Dr Gil fights cancer
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Welcome to Essiac, your reliable partner for exceptional quality. Our commitment to quality is reflected in our choice of herbs. We've always included Sheep Sorrel Root in our blend, staying true to the original herb supplies recommended by Dr. Charles Bruch.
Our Essiac formula is a blend of organic, chemical-free, and pesticide-free herbs. These herbs are non-irradiated and mixed in the precise ratio specified by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brush. We ensure freshness with an average inventory turnover of once every three months. Our blend includes blessed thistle, burdock root, kelp, slippery elm bark, red clover, Turkish rhubarb root, and watercress, all sourced from Starwest Botanicals, Inc. in California. Our Sheep Sorrel, inclusive of the root, is sourced from a private grower in Arkansas.
Discover the revitalizing power of our Essiac tea. This potent blend detoxifies, enhances energy, and fortifies your immune system. Begin your journey towards improved health with Essiac tea today.
Affordable and easy to prepare, Essiac tea is your companion in the battle against illness. Trust in our unwavering commitment to quality and embark on your journey towards better health today.
Hello everyone, I am Dr. Gil. I am here to share my journey with you - a journey of resilience, courage, and hope. In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, in 2021, the cancer made a comeback, this time spreading to my spine and other parts of my body.
At that point, I made a pivotal decision. I chose not to follow the traditional treatment path again. Instead, I turned to alternative remedies. One such remedy that has significantly impacted my life is Essiac tea, a formula developed by Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brush.
After three months of using Essiac tea, I experienced a significant change. I felt healthier and stronger. I decided to focus on the power of my mind, dismissing unnecessary worries.
As of March 2025, I will be 82 years old. I will have been taking Essiac Tea for six months. I am completely detoxified. I am going to the bathroom once a day, something that hasn't been the case for many years. My oncologist was taken aback by my improved appearance. She ordered a PET SCAN, which I am confident will be free of cancer cells. I will also have an MRI of my bones on Monday, and I am certain it will show positive results.
I have set a goal to live past 100 years, leading a healthy life. At present, I am living healthily and actively, cycling to the gym, swimming, doing Zumba, and playing pickleball.
My message to all of you is this: We have the power to influence our health through positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle. I am living proof of that. Thank you for listening to my story. I hope it inspires you as much as it has inspired me to keep going.
Essiac Testimonials Listed in Alphabetical Order for Your Convenience starting with cancer conditions diagnosis by doctors as stage IV
Bile Duct Cancer
Bone Cancer Endometrial Cancer Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer
Multiple Myeloma
I have a comprehensive collection of over 100 testimonials, readily available for those who are interested. These testimonials come from individuals who have experienced a range of chronic conditions, many of which have reported significant improvements or even complete eradication of their conditions with the help of Essiac.The conditions covered in these testimonials are diverse, including but not limited to Diabetes, heart and blood -related issues like high blood pressure, pulmonary conditions such as COPD, liver disorders, gallbladder problems, upper respiratory issues, stomach ailments, spleen disorders, pancreatic conditions, as well as issues related to the small intestine and colon.These testimonials serve as a testament to the potential benefits of Essiac, providing hope and inspiration to those facing similar health challenges. I can provide these patient testimonials anytime upon request, offering valuable insights into the experiences of those who have used Essiac in their health journey.
About Us
Benefits you May Receive from Essiac Tea
Essiac tea is known for its potent detoxifying properties, primarily aiding in the removal of heavy metals from the body. It revitalizes energy levels and fortifies the immune system, enhancing the body's natural ability to combat illness and disease. By bolstering the immune system, Essiac tea amplifies the body's strength and resilience against disease. Additionally, it possesses anti-inflammatory properties that support the body's healing process.
Side Effects, Compatibily and Interactive Concerns
Essiac Side Effects, Compatibility and Interactive Concerns.
Essiac has no side effects. There is however a beneficial effect that essiac provides for some people. In the beginning some experience an increased frequency of needing to go to the bathroom. This is a desirable effect because, once the body is cleaned out, everything will begin to work more effectively. You are hoping for! The increased frequency of needing to go to the bathroom will not be an uncontrolled diarreha nor an uncomfortable sensation.
Essiac is compatible with all prescription medications. You can take medications at the same time as you take essiac if you wish. Essiac is also compatible with chemo and ratiation. Chemo and radiation can reduce the effectiveness of essiac, and so if you are using those treatments, we suggest trying 6 oz. of tea three times per day rather than 3 oz. three times per day.
Essiac does not interact with supplements and you can take any and all supplements while taking essiac.
You do not have to change your diet (aside from taking an Essiac on an empty stomach, two hours before and one hour after) while taking an Essiac, although eating healthy is always a plus. If you choose to follow a specific diet while taking it that is fine.
Buy Essiac for Improvements of Health
(Each 4 oz. packet of herbs brews one gallon of tea at a time to be used up every 2 weeks. Herbs keep for 2-3 years) weight 1 lb. Last one person 2 months . Packing (1) 1 lb. bag . Price $ 9 per day. Price FOUR (4) 4-oz packets $ 607.23
The convenience of the packets makes them popular for full detoxication and medical frequent imaging resolved.
Recomended dose is 9 oz. of tea per day, taken in three separate 3 oz. doses on an empty stomach.
__You should use this dose if you have or suspect you have a health problem. --for best results, stay on the aggresive dose for at least 6 months. After that period, you may choose to swich to a maintanance dose of 3 oz. twice per day once your test results have returned to normal. If the original health issue persist, continue on the agressive dose until your condition improves and your are satisfied with the results. It is OK to be on the tea for a long time.
Price THIRTEEN (13) 4-oz packets $ 1,973.49
Detoxification Dose
A detox regimen is typically something that is done for a fixed period of time. Many people choose 3-or 6-months periods for detox. However, some choose to do shorter ones. The dose for a 2-week or 4 weeks detox is 9 oz.of essiac tea per day, taken 3 oz. three times per day-same as aggresive dose. A more complete option for a more thorough detox is to simply follow the aggresive dose for six months. Essiac is also gentle on the body, with no unpleasant side effects. You continue your usual diet and daily work schedule while taking it. All of these benefits make using essiac for a gentle detox a popular choice for all ages.
Aggresive Plus Dose
Agrresive Plus Dose- This is an option for anyone who wants to be as agressive as possible, in particular if you are on chomo and/or radiation while using essiac. This dose is also used in some cases if an individual is given less than six months to live. It's 6 oz of tea three times per day on an empty stomach.
Note-Essiac and Chemo/Radiation: Essiac can be taken along with traditional cancer treatments without interfering with those treatments. However, if you are undrgong chomotherapy and or/radiation, be aware that chimo and radiation can lessen the effects of essiac tea. If you plan to continue your chemo and radiation while using essiac, you might consider taking the Agressive PLUS Dose due to this issue.
Maintenance Dose
Recomended dosage 3 oz. of tea twice per day. It is best to take one dose in the morning and one in the evening (meaning you should spread them out). Take the tea on an empty stomach.
_Some take the maintenance dose as a daily preventive supplement. This is healthy and safe in the long-term. There is no need to go off of essiac or take breaks, but you may do so if you wish
For Children and Pets
Each 1 oz. packet 1 quart of tea at a time. The mantainace dose order size is similar to the agressive dose for Children and Pets over 85 pounds, assuming the recomended 6 oz. of tea per day.
For children, the Essiac Tea dosage depends on their weight:
For pets, the Essiac Tea dosage also depends on their weight:
Essiac Tea provides a slow, gentle detox and is a respected choice for children and pets when given in the correct amounts. Always remember to combine Essiac Tea with professional medical or veterinary care, especially for diagnosis. Let me know if you need more information!
What Are Our Customers Saying ?
I'm Paul Coles, a survivor of stage IV prostate cancer. I turned to Essiac Tea after two biopsies and within just four months, I was declared cancer-free. I didn't use any other treatments, just Essiac Tea. Now, in my nineties, I'm still feeling pretty good. I'm grateful to Bryan and Essiac Tea and I highly recommend it to anyone battling cancer. If you value life, Essiac Tea is worth a try.
Paul Coles
Grace Atkisson, a 65-year-old from Weatherfield, Texas, battled stage IV metastatic carcinoma breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes and bone marrow. Despite the grim prognosis, Grace remained active and hopeful. On the advice of Bryan, she began consuming Essiac Tea, taking 6 oz. three times daily. Over time, her health improved remarkably, and a scan on June 26 showed no signs of the previous cancer mass. Grace credits her recovery to Essiac Tea and continues to inspire others with her story.